I got a GREAT question from a client recently:

“What are some quick ways to motivate myself when I’m feeling stuck?”

Listen — we’ve all had times in our lives when we’ve had trouble taking action.

Motivation is totally lacking.
The negative self-talk is LOUD.
And nothing seems to get you out of your own head.

I know I’ve been there 🙋‍♂️

But even when we’re feeling offLife goes on.

And we have responsibilities to tend to.

So I wanted to share a few questions and mantras that I use to quickly get me out of my funk and back in action!

>> Watch “If You’re Feeling Stuck…” HERE (4 min) <<

Drop a comment under the video letting me know: How do you get back on the horse when you’re feeling unmotivated?

Demir & Carey Bentley

Demir and Carey Bentley are the founders of Lifehack Method, WSJ & USA Today bestselling authors, and executive productivity coaches. They've helped thousands of people avoid burnout and soar to their highest level of productivity. Read more about them here.