

Why am I missing deadlines? 😅

Today’s video is for all of your Lifehackers out there struggling to meet DEADLINES. Let’s talk about why that is probably happening! Because I get it, gang… You aren’t trying to miss your deadlines. You don’t want to feel behind or incompetent… Who would?! And yet — ...
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If you’re feeling stuck…

I got a GREAT question from a client recently: “What are some quick ways to motivate myself when I’m feeling stuck?” Listen — we’ve all had times in our lives when we’ve had trouble taking action. Motivation is totally lacking.The negative self-talk is LOUD.And...
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Our Business Strategy: REVEALED

When starting a new business or side hustle, there are a million different things to think about. And it can be hard to decide where to START. Should you build your website first? Focus on Instagram?Post dances on TikTok?Pitch events?Create lead magnets? The list goes...
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