

Your biggest Productivity Death Stars

Your biggest Productivity Death Stars

A few weeks ago, I asked about your Productivity Death Star. That is – a project, goal, or result that would completely transform your life, but that you just can’t seem to get done. I got so many replies (a huge thank you to those who submitted!) and they are...
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David Allen on Getting Things Done

David Allen on Getting Things Done

What would it be like to never forget to do something, and never feel overwhelmed by your list?  Enter David Allen. He’s the author of the bestselling book, Getting Things Done, and a personal hero of ours. Carey interviewed David for our Lifehack Summit this...
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Meet your Lifehack Coach, Freda Kocholla

Meet your Lifehack Coach, Freda Kocholla

The best coaches are those who have walked a mile in your shoes. If they don’t understand where you’ve been, how can they get you to where you want to go? Freda has walked in many, many shoes and created massive results in her life along the way, which is a big part...
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