When we first started this company, I turned to Carey and said:
“Ya know, I LOVE Tony Robbins and Tim Ferriss… But what I would love the most is to see them having a BAD Monday.”
Sure, on a perfect day, I am unstoppable!
But how many perfect days do I really have a week…? (Spoiler alert: it’s not 7!)
So as we created this business, I wanted us to push beyond the pressure to appear perfect.
Because I think the real value comes from flawed human beings sharing their tools for building and navigating the life that they want in spite of being a little bit of a mess sometimes!
And to Tony & Tim’s credit… That sentiment I shared with Carey was nearly a decade ago.
Many people in the self-development space DO share a much less airbrushed version of their lives and success with the internet now.
So today we want to talk about our FLAWS — both as people, and as a business — and why they simply do not matter.
>> Watch on YouTube: “Our FLAWS… And Why They Don’t Matter” (17 min) <<
And let me know in the comments if this podcast episode resonates with you 🙂