On the spectrum from calm to anxious… I definitely lean anxious 😅
It’s something that I’ve known about myself for pretty much my whole life… but didn’t always have the tools to navigate.
So today I’d like to share some of the tips and tricks that I’ve picked up along the way!
>> Click here to watch “5 Productivity Tips For Anxious People” (5 min) <<
I can’t wait — I want to share tip #1 with you now!
Use the Lifehack Method 🤓
I know, I know… I’m a little biased.
But keep in mind: we developed this productivity system to help you reduce overwhelm and create work-life balance!
And managing your time well is an excellent way to reduce anxiety.
It’s kinda incredible how much less anxious I am when I’m using this system regularly.
I talk more about this (and a bunch of other tips and tricks) in today’s video!
Let me know in the comments: how do YOU manage your anxiety?